The Paradox of Networking

Why do we network? Fundamentally, at the bottom of it all, at the very secret place deep within our hearts, we know that we are doing it for our own personal gain. We want to extend our network to improve our chances of landing the job, or landing the client, or...

Leftovers, Part 2

Last night I wrote about “leftover lovin'” networking.  The example I chose happened to deal with a business owner and his attempt to find work.  Believe it or not, the same holds true with just about any endeavor in networking.  Lack of...

Know Your Network

Quickly, off the top of your head answer the following: You just lost your job.  Who do you call to begin your search for a new one? Someone just told you about a job opening at a local company.  Who could benefit? A dear friend is ill.  Which...

The People in Your Neighborhood

It’s funny, but we always seem to think about networking as something we do “out there”.  We attend meetings and luncheons and coffees in order to meet new people.  Ironically we ignore possible connections a little closer to home, like the...