Be a Joiner, A Through E

You are already a member of a few groups, both personal and professional. You joined them for the great networking and the many business opportunities which they’ve made available to you. After all, why else would you join a group, right? Well, let’s face...

Which is Mightier, The Keyboard or the Pen?

During the question and answer section of my presentation at the Milan Chamber on Friday, one of the audience members asked me what my opinion of electronic versus handwritten communication mechanisms. I think it’s a great question. Let’s take a look at...

Does Size Matter?

I spoke at the Milan Chamber’s networking breakfast on Friday morning. I got a warm response and met a lot of great people. Milan is a much smaller venue than my usual haunts — the Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Regional Chamber — about one-tenth the size. As a...

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

I always loved the old “Cheers” theme song, “Sometimes you want to go, where everybody knows your name…” It’s a great sentiment for a neighborhood hangout, but how does it do for networking? I was at an event today where I had...

What’s Your Definition?

One of the challenges of talking about networking is the general lack of a unified definition. If one person is thinking networking is about sales and the other thinks it is about service, they might find themselves working at cross purposes. I’ve listed some of...