Networking Examples at Disney World

Networking Examples at Disney World

It’s kind of funny to see some of the concepts of networking playing themselves out in real life, especially when it’s in an unexpected situation. In this case, my daughter, Kaylie, who is an amazing networker (as most children are) showed me the power of...

Timeline of a Networking Event, Part 3: After

Over the past couple of days we’ve been talking about the sequence of events leading up to and during a networking event. In this example we chose to look specifically at a lunchtime event with a speaker. You can adapt most of these actions, though, to any...

Timeline of a Networking Event, Part 2: During

Yesterday we talked about what we should do in the days and hours leading up to a networking event. The preparations we set in motion were designed to give us an advantage when we got to the event and to get some networking in even before the official start of the...

Timeline of a Networking Event, Part 1: Before

As networkers we attend a lot of events. After all it’s where we meet new people and briefly touch base with existing connections. Folks who are new to the process, though, are often baffled by the whole thing – what to do and when to do it. If you know someone...


As I write, I’m still feeling a bit uncomfortable with the amount I ate during Thanksgiving dinner — about eight hours ago. It was a delicious meal and it was wonderful having a quiet family gathering. Not surprisingly, this time of year makes me think of...