Sales, Marketing or Networking

When attending a networking event we have three basic attitudes we can adopt. Each has its own advantages. Sometimes, though, the disadvantages of an attitude should steer us in a different direction (especially when we evaluate them from a “golden rule”...

You’ve Got to have Chemistry

We’ve all run into this situation. We meet someone. On paper we have everything in common. We should hit it off right away. For some reason, though, we just don’t click. The chemistry isn’t there. Our personalities clash for some reason and sometimes...
Toward Successful Networking

Toward Successful Networking

I was cleaning out my office tonight when I came across a small book of quotes by the inestimable Jim Rohn. I was flipping through it and reading a line or two at random when I came upon this one: Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural...

Good News, Bad News

This path goes on forever First the good news. If we want to build a powerful network, we can. There are systems and techniques galore to help us succeed. We can attend the events, make the calls, meet for coffees, send the notes, pass the referrals, and, in general,...

Conversations, not Pitches

Why won’t they just follow the script? My good friend, Jeff Morris, president of and our local Cartridge World franchisee, sent me a link the other day to an article on Huffington Post written by Michael Port. In the article, Port talked...