Yesterday we talked about writing the most engaging testimonials for other people. The trick, we saw was to make the testimonial an emotion-filled story (after all, people buy on emotion and justify with intellect) which showed the dire straits we were coping with when our hero came on the scene, what they did to help us, and how much our lives are better now.
OK, so you’ve written this amazing Oscar-worthy testimonial. Now what?
Now, you just have to deliver it. You can always just send it via email, but here are a few other ideas that might make you stand out a little.
- Print it up on your letterhead and send it through the postal mail or hand deliver it. Not many people still do this and a signed hard-copy is one of those things that they just might want to frame and display in their office.
- If you are connected to them on LinkedIn, you can enter you testimonial as a recommendation. As with any of these ideas, this is particularly effective if they don’t know you are doing it.
- If you happen to be a “fan” of their business on Facebook, there’s a tab at the top of the fan page which allows you to enter a review.
- If you really want to stand out, try creating an audio or video recording of your testimonial. If the words you wrote were powerful, then just think how much more they will mean coming directly from you.