My good friend Angela Kujava of Logic Solutions sent me a note not long ago about an experience she had regarding her company’s recent anniversary event. They had invited a number of their customers and encouraged them to bring along anyone they wanted as guests. The resulting guest list included the original customers, business partners, spouses, students, and probably even next door neighbors.
Now, of course, the hope of the organizers is to have their customers introduce them to potential new customers. Nothing wrong with that, and there may well have been some of that going on. More important were just the number of relationships which developed during the course of the event. This benefited Logic Solutions and its employees, but it was also a fantastic opportunity for the guests and those they invited. Each had not only had a chance to meet new people in a social setting, but also were able to strengthen the existing relationships over drinks and hors d’oeuvres.
Basically the company did the right thing by treating their customers, not as customers, but as people and friends. Good networking dictates that you first find a way to be of benefit to others without expectation of immediate return. That party they threw made those customers look good in the eyes of the friends and colleagues whom they invited. Believe me, making someone look good is definitely a benefit that others will appreciate.
So, will those intangible benefits pay off in the end? Angela related that she was approached by one of Logic Solutions’ clients toward the end of the evening. He had obviously enjoyed to party and just had to let her know that “You are so smart. No other company is doing this, and this type of event is exactly what works.”
Do you think that’s a loyal customer?
Photo credit: Michaela Maslarska