Clients or Ambassadors?

The next time you go to a networking event, keep the following in mind: As you survey all of the other attendees, would you rather have them as clients or as ambassadors? If you want clients, get busy cornering each one, probing for needs, overcoming objections, and...

Networking Though Speech, Part 2

Yesterday we talked about the networking benefits of giving speeches. Getting up in front of a group and sharing your knowledge is an amazingly powerful way to network and can increase your number of connections considerably faster than just meeting people one at a...

Networking Though Speech, Part 1

You’ve attended the Chamber lunches or the Rotary meetings and you’ve sat enraptured by the speaker (OK, so maybe sometimes it wasn’t quite that fascinating). You may have noticed how many people wanted to talk with her afterward and thought...

The Gratitude List

I was reading a post the other night by Todd Smith in his “Little Things Matter” blog. The post was about showing appreciation — having the “attitude of gratitude”, if you will. He wrote about the importance and benefits of doing it, but...

The Push-Up Plan

I’m a volunteer instructor at an awesome martial arts school here in Ann Arbor, Keith Hafner’s Karate. I’ll often be put in charge of warming up the class. It’s amusing, the chorus of moans and groans that I hear when I give the dreaded command...