
Almost any networker, good or bad, is a connector. We know a fair number of people and what they do and what they need and, wherever possible we try to bring people together because they might be able to help each other. Then there are the super-connectors. These are...

Pick Up That Hammer, Part 2

Yesterday, I wrote about the idea that joining a networking group and expecting that to start your phone ringing is akin to buying a hammer and expecting it to build a house for you. In both cases, you have to be the motivating force to achieve the desired outcome....

Pick Up That Hammer, Part 1

I gave a presentation at the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce yesterday talking about the benefits of the many networking opportunities they offer. One of the points I always try to emphasize is the importance of showing up. I often relate the story of one of the former...

Know When to Fold’em

As the old Kenny Rogers song goes, “You’ve got to know when to hold’em/ Know when to fold’em”. What holds true for the Gambler also holds true for the Networker. A comment from my good friend Jacki Hollywood Brown on Sunday’s post...

Are You Board Yet? Part 2

A couple of days ago, we talked about some of the benefits of creating a Board of Advisors for yourself. While we could come up with a number of advantages to us, the next question was: Why would anyone want to become a part of such a beast? What was in it for them?...