Associate Good Feelings

When someone decides to use a networking event for selling, one of the things I will often see them do is use an “elevator pitch” to ask probing questions designed to uncover specific needs. The problem with this is that it is effectively asking the other...

Targeting a Community

We’re visiting my folks up in Manistee, Michigan for the Independence Day holiday. This town really does it up right for the Fourth of July. In fact, they have a full insert in the paper with the schedule of events from Thursday through Sunday. I want to draw...

Who’s Your Next Golden Connection?

See if this scenario sounds familiar. Not for you, of course, but I’m sure you can think of someone to whom this applies. You are attending a networking mixer. You’ve already figured out that your target market is real estate agents in the local area...

Money is the Echo of Value

More golden nuggets from the Bob Burg “Endless Referrals” event on Wednesday. Bob had a great saying: “Money is the echo of value.” Value is the lightning, money is the thunder. You can’t get the thunder to show up before the lightning....

Asking for Referrals, Part 6: Actually Asking

This is the sixth and conceivably final part in this series. Needless to say there have been a few other parts. Feel free to read them if you want, but you won’t need them to understand the concepts addressed here. So, over the last five days we’ve talked...