Another Excuse

When I’m coaching about good networking practice, I quite often hear the lament “But what will I say??” when I recommend making calls or sending emails to people. Really, there’s nothing to this. Any excuse will do. I’ve already told...

Helping Others and Showing Your Face

I was reading Guy Kawasaki’s blog the other day and he pointed out this video by Lewis Howes  on good practices in using social media sites.  It’s about 6 minutes long. Now he’s got a number of great points here, but two in particular stood...

Which Groups? Why? Part 2

OK, so after yesterday, you’ve got a potential group or two that you might like to join.  The general format of the group and the make-up of its members will meet some as yet unmet need that you have.  Time to join up, right? Not so fast.  Here...

Which Groups? Why? Part 1

Yesterday we talked about the best way to make any group you belong to pay off — namely, participate.  The question arises, though: If I’m going to spend that much time serving a group, how do I know which group to join and to how many should I...