Asking for Referrals, Part 1: Get Rid of “Anybody”

One of the benefits of good networking practice is that, every once in a while, you get to tell someone else about who would be a good referral for you. This is your big opportunity. This is when the work of creating a network starts to pay off. Don’t mess it...

Expanding Beyond the Home Town

Most successful networking is local. Being there in person is almost always necessary for first-time meetings. That being the case, what if you want to expand into the next town over (or maybe one that is a little further away)? That requires some strategic planning....

Help Find the Bullseye

Every once in a while when I’m chatting with a new networking partner I run into a little problem. I ask them who their target market is and they respond: “Oh, we can help anybody.” As I’ve mentioned in the past, this is not a helpful...
Target Market: Be Specific

Target Market: Be Specific

A few days ago, I mentioned “leftover lovin'” networking, the basis of which is a lack of specificity in what you are seeking. Let me be clear. You will never be a truly effective networker until you can clearly state who you serve in the clearest, most...

Leftovers, Part 2

Last night I wrote about “leftover lovin'” networking.  The example I chose happened to deal with a business owner and his attempt to find work.  Believe it or not, the same holds true with just about any endeavor in networking.  Lack of...