Let’s Party!

Let’s Party!

You are a member of several communities in your life. You’ve got your company, various networking groups, your place of worship, etc. Each group has it’s own purpose for being and most will have meetings and events which focus on that purpose. That’s...

No Such Thing as Nothing to Offer

I was inspired by Todd Smith’s blog post tonight about being careful with how you treat everyone in your life, because it all reflects on your reputation. I’m sure you know the old saying about telling how good a person is based on how they treat someone...

Be Ready to Tell Them What You Want

Picture this. You’re out having lunch with one of your close networking connections. You’ve been having a great time catching up and learning more about each other. Then there’s a pause in the conversation and she asks, “So, how can I help...
The Limits of Social Media Sites

The Limits of Social Media Sites

Which feels more connected, shaking hands and looking each other in the eye, or “poking” them on Facebook? Which feels more powerful, sitting down to coffee or sending a LinkedIn message? Which feels more emotionally intimate, giving your child a hug (even...

Networking Partners: Who Should We Bring?

Yesterday we talked about the many benefits of inviting a partner to attend a networking event with you. From keeping each other accountable to helping out with introductions, the combination of your networking skills will be much greater than the sum of the parts....