Open the Toolbox

If you had a hammer in your toolbox, why in the world would you use a rock to pound in a nail? You wouldn’t. So, why do people treat their network like a locked toolbox? Networking is the process of creating a resource for future success in both your personal...

The Lie of the Rugged Individualist

Lone Wolf The Rugged Individualist, the Solo Artist, the Lone Wolf — they bring to mind images of romance and admiration. Self-made and not depending on anyone — sprung fully formed and armored from the brow of Zeus, as it were — they are...
You Lost Me at “Hello”

You Lost Me at “Hello”

Feeling a little faceless? I’ve written before about the fact that your clients are a great place to start your networking. Making friends out of them can go a long way toward building a successful web of connections for your business. That being said, Customer...
Handing off the Baby

Handing off the Baby

When we look at the list of things we have to do — the projects, tasks, and chores of everyday life, both personal and professional — we often get so caught up in the list, that we never think that there might be a better way. Lisa and I brought our...
The Networking Sixth Sense

The Networking Sixth Sense

My buddy Al Bogdan is a photographer and he does an amazing job with portraiture. We love it when he takes pictures of our girls. I mean, Abby and Kaylie are certainly adorable, but Al seems to have a sixth sense about lighting levels and angles and all the little...