Networking Cop

I was driving home from the store this evening and happened to see someone pulled over to the side of the rode “chatting with” one of Ann Arbor’s finest. She didn’t look happy about it for some reason. I can’t understand it since it...

What’s Your Definition?

One of the challenges of talking about networking is the general lack of a unified definition. If one person is thinking networking is about sales and the other thinks it is about service, they might find themselves working at cross purposes. I’ve listed some of...

The Golden Rule in Networking

If you think about it, good networking really comes down to the Golden Rule (you know, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”). If you are contemplating doing something in a networking venue, how would you feel to have that same thing done...

Who’s Your Next Golden Connection?

See if this scenario sounds familiar. Not for you, of course, but I’m sure you can think of someone to whom this applies. You are attending a networking mixer. You’ve already figured out that your target market is real estate agents in the local area...