Networking Though Speech, Part 1

You’ve attended the Chamber lunches or the Rotary meetings and you’ve sat enraptured by the speaker (OK, so maybe sometimes it wasn’t quite that fascinating). You may have noticed how many people wanted to talk with her afterward and thought...

Get Them to Ask

After reading some of my posts here, someone might get the mis-impression that I don’t think you should ever talk about yourself in a networking situation. After all, it’s always supposed to be about the other person, right? Well, not quite. What...

Pruning the Tickler File

A few days ago I recommended setting up a simple tickler file to help keep track of your network. It’s a simple but awesome tool that you can tweak to fit your specific needs.  Once you have one, though, the question arises: When do you remove someone from...
Business Cards — What We Think They Think

Business Cards — What We Think They Think

Several years ago there was a Farside cartoon where in both panels, the owner is scolding his dog. In the first was what we say: “Bad dog, Ginger!  You stay out of the garbage! Do you hear me, Ginger?” or something to that effect.  In the second...

The Gratitude List

I was reading a post the other night by Todd Smith in his “Little Things Matter” blog. The post was about showing appreciation — having the “attitude of gratitude”, if you will. He wrote about the importance and benefits of doing it, but...