The Limits of Social Media Sites

The Limits of Social Media Sites

Which feels more connected, shaking hands and looking each other in the eye, or “poking” them on Facebook? Which feels more powerful, sitting down to coffee or sending a LinkedIn message? Which feels more emotionally intimate, giving your child a hug (even...

Networking with the Same Old Crowd

It can happen to any of us. You show up at the monthly networking lunch and you suddenly realize that you know everyone there. In fact, you don’t remember seeing a new person at the event for the past couple of times. Maybe it’s time to leave group and...

Remind Them of Us

We already talked about how important it was for us to remember the people we speak with at a networking event. Using their name and, in particular, the name they choose to go by, will really help us stand out amongst the networking crowd. So, here’s another...

Networking Partners: Who Should We Bring?

Yesterday we talked about the many benefits of inviting a partner to attend a networking event with you. From keeping each other accountable to helping out with introductions, the combination of your networking skills will be much greater than the sum of the parts....

You Don’t Have to Network Alone

A lot of people have a hard time walking into a networking event all by themselves. To them it feels as if all eyes are upon them and they are vastly outnumbered. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to walk in with a friend instead? Suddenly you aren’t in a...