Maybe One More Benefit: Improved Intelligence?

My friend Luis Albright posted a link on Facebook to this article in The Telegraph. It was a story about how relative to their size, dogs brains have grown faster than cat brains. Of course, the supposition is that the larger the brain relative to the body size, the...

New Things

A long-time dear friend, Torun Moore, and her great kids stopped by for a visit this evening. I’ve known Torun since third grade. She lives in Virginia now, so we don’t get to see each other often, but we do try to stay in touch and visit whenever...

Another Way to Support the Group

We’ve talked before about the importance of supporting the groups you join. Volunteer to help at events, write articles for the newsletter, or even hold a position in the leadership. That’s all good. Now I’m going to suggest a technique which can be...

How to Find a Contact Sphere

We talked about contact spheres yesterday. Basically these are the group of businesses who also serve you target market, but don’t compete with you. They tend to make good networking partners since the clients for one can often be clients for the other. OK, so...

Contact Spheres

As I understand, Dr. Ivan Misner, the founder of BNI coined the term “contact sphere” in his book, The World’s Best Known Marketing Secret: Building Your Business With Word-of-Mouth Marketing. It’s an idea that a lot of new networkers...