The Newest Reluctant Networker

The Newest Reluctant Networker

Abigail at 90 minutes If you’ve read this blog over the last year and more, you know I get a lot of inspiration from my daughter, Kaylie. Well, as of this morning at 7:58am, I now have twice the inspiration. Please welcome the newest member of our household,...

Patience is More Than a Virtue

The wait isn’t fun, but try to skip it and you’ll miss the ride. Those who have friended me on Facebook know that the ideas of patience and waiting are very much on my mind right now. In particular, I’ve been thinking about how difficult it is to be...

Lack of Preparation Means Opportunities Lost

I think we’ve covered my lack of perfection in sufficient depth that we all know that I can occasionally be used as an example of what not to do when it comes to networking. Monday morning would be a case in point. But what can you expect from a Monday? My...

Hearts and Happy Valentines

I’ve written many times in the past about how networking is not just for success in our professional lives. In fact, with Valentine’s Day just past, it’s a good time to reflect on how that same web of relationships which helps us bring in profitable...

Professional Networking

You need more than a suit to make you a professional. I’ve been re-reading Steven Pressfield’s “War of Art” lately. I liked the section where he differentiates between the Professional and the Amateur. He listed a number of qualities specific...